coffee logger

by MAXI Applications

Health & Fitness


this app has a "Widget" the fast access to the most important functions of an Android app.The most successful applications are often the simplest to use.This means that users want to see the information they need “at-a-glance” without unlocking their phone or launching the related app.Most people love coffee, but we also know that health is very important.Coffgger | coffee logger & caffeine Calculator allow you to control your daily usage of caffeine right from your home screen.Coffgger | coffee logger & caffeine Calculator contains these features:1 - Mini applications to display the amount of coffee that was drunk on this day directly on the main screen.2 - the possibility of adding from Home screen directly.3 - You have the possibility of putting the Caffeine Limits Daily Dose.4 - Ability to reset counters when you need.5 -Coffgger | coffee logger & caffeine Calculator contains a useful calculator for the amount of caffeine allowed scientifically based on your weight as this is considered a scientific consultation, But this calculator does not replace professional medical advice.6- Coffgger | coffee logger & caffeine Calculator contains a large selection of coffee quotations changed with each addition and operation of the application.